No Matches
opt_params Struct Reference

Public Attributes

int32_t seed = -1
int32_t n_threads = 1
int32_t n_predict = 128
int32_t n_parts = -1
int32_t n_ctx = 512
int32_t n_batch = 512
int32_t n_keep = 0
int32_t n_vocab = 50272
std::unordered_map< int, float > logit_bias
int32_t top_k = 40
float top_p = 0.95f
float tfs_z = 1.00f
float typical_p = 1.00f
float temp = 0.80f
float repeat_penalty = 1.10f
int32_t repeat_last_n = 64
float frequency_penalty = 0.00f
float presence_penalty = 0.00f
int mirostat = 0
float mirostat_tau = 5.00f
float mirostat_eta = 0.10f

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