This is the complete list of members for Int4llamaDecoder, including all inherited members.
attention_mask_buf (defined in Int4llamaDecoder) | Int4llamaDecoder | |
embed_dim (defined in Int4llamaDecoder) | Int4llamaDecoder | |
embed_tokens (defined in Int4llamaDecoder) | Int4llamaDecoder | |
first_input_ids_buf (defined in Int4llamaDecoder) | Int4llamaDecoder | |
forward(std::string param_path, const struct Int4llamaDecoder_input &input) (defined in Int4llamaDecoder) | Int4llamaDecoder | |
hidden_dim (defined in Int4llamaDecoder) | Int4llamaDecoder | |
hidden_states_buf (defined in Int4llamaDecoder) | Int4llamaDecoder | |
image_embed_buf (defined in Int4llamaDecoder) | Int4llamaDecoder | |
inputs_embeds_buf (defined in Int4llamaDecoder) | Int4llamaDecoder | |
Int4llamaDecoder(std::string param_path, const struct model_config config) (defined in Int4llamaDecoder) | Int4llamaDecoder | |
Int4llamaDecoder() (defined in Int4llamaDecoder) | Int4llamaDecoder | inline |
last_hidden_states_buf (defined in Int4llamaDecoder) | Int4llamaDecoder | |
layers (defined in Int4llamaDecoder) | Int4llamaDecoder | |
norm (defined in Int4llamaDecoder) | Int4llamaDecoder | |
norm_weight_ptr (defined in Int4llamaDecoder) | Int4llamaDecoder | |
num_heads (defined in Int4llamaDecoder) | Int4llamaDecoder | |
padding_idx (defined in Int4llamaDecoder) | Int4llamaDecoder | |
pos_embeds_buf (defined in Int4llamaDecoder) | Int4llamaDecoder | |
prepare_decoder_attention_mask(int length, int past_length) (defined in Int4llamaDecoder) | Int4llamaDecoder | |
profile_name (defined in Int4llamaDecoder) | Int4llamaDecoder | |
rms_norm_eps (defined in Int4llamaDecoder) | Int4llamaDecoder | |
second_input_ids_buf (defined in Int4llamaDecoder) | Int4llamaDecoder | |
voc_size (defined in Int4llamaDecoder) | Int4llamaDecoder |